Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing—Benjamin Franklin

The happenings of late

We have had fantastic weather and man alive! I was definitely ready for it. It has inspired all sorts of spring cleaning and projects, making our house a semi-disaster until I can get it all put back together, but my men are great and they put up with all my messes without complaint. 

Little and I left Bryce to study and headed up to visit my sisters this week. We had a blast. Lots of hugs, laughs, the zoo, the beach, and an Easter egg hunt which has made Little man haul around a basket with him and collect everything in the house until it is full, and then disperse them again. The words "It's hiding Mommy!" strike fear into my heart. Little spent the whole time there asking, "Where's Daddio?" and the last few days at home asking, "Where's the baby?" (meaning his cousin that is only a few months younger than himself). All-in-all it was so fun to be there and see my sisters and their families and just have a break from life for a while. 
Easter was a casual affair for us this time around. Pizza bunnies and deviled eggs replacing anything fancy. However, Bryce picked up the slack and surprised us with an Easter basket and flowers. This from a man who hates holiday shenanigans, but he knew I wouldn't have time and so he made sure we had all the necessaries. That is love. We got to spend the day relaxing and just being grateful for life and for family and for the Savior who makes all this happiness possible.


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