Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing—Benjamin Franklin

I have officially done it

I cranked out 50,000+ words of a novel by the end of November with a miraculously few things to catch up on, my house only semi-looking like a disaster, and my sanity almost intact (but to be fair, it was never fully intact before I decided to take up the challenge, so there is that). I would be lying if I didn't say that I was a little proud of myself. It's a terrible novel at the moment--I'm a little afraid to read it back--but I think it might have some potential. Hooray for being finished! Except for the years and years of editing it will likely require to get it read worthy, but I'm not thinking about that right now. For now, this whole NaNoWriMo challenge has done what I wanted it to do: given me the kick in the pants I needed to start really writing again. So, I'll bask in that little bit of glory and ignore the millions of other things. 


LJ said...

This is me doing a victory dance for you in AZ. Well done, thou good and faithful Haley. (And there's always next year for me...right?)

Bryce said...

I am figuratively bursting with pride. Well done, Love.

Stephanie said...

Nice work Haley!!! that's awesome!

Miranda-Jayne said...

You are amazing, lady! Way to be...I can't wait to read it when you're a big shot author one day. I remember listening to your texts to Bryce when you were dating (they were hilarious) and thinking that you would be such an interesting writer.

Connie said...

Yay!!!!!!!!!! Super proud of you, my darlin' girl! That is quite an accomplishment. I can't wait to read it!

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